Copyright 2010-2011 Kimberley and Kayla Woodhouse

Copyright 2010-2011 Kimberley and Kayla Woodhouse All Content and photographs unless otherwise noted All rights reserved

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Mismatched Socks...

Kim here: My amazing friend and full-time assistant, Lori, wrote a blog post for you all since we're in the trenches editing.

Lori here: As you probably know, I will do pretty much anything to help the Woodhouses out, which happens to include... laundry. So, yesterday, betwix all the craziness I let Kim know that something was totally wrong with this house. She just laughed, and asked, "what?" I replied, "I only found four socks that don't match." Kayla piped up and said, "No..." she pointed to her feet, "Six!" (Kayla likes to wear socks that don't match - LOL)

We all needed something to laugh about. You see, line edits are in progress. Kim, Kayla, and editor, Karen are all clicking away on the keyboards. Having only read 2/3 of the original manuscript, I can tell you the plot thickens and I just learned that I had the "bad guy" all wrong! And now that the edits and line edits are almost done, I can't wait to find out how and why I was wrong. :)

You see, I may work for authors but they never let on... even to me!
What I do know is how busy they are! Always something to do betwix the house, writing, swimming, school, PR, marketing, meals, and so much more. Like your lives, there is always something that needs to be done.

So stop matching those socks - even slip on a mismatched pair (it'll make Kayla smile) and get ready for the book's release in March.

Until next time, and wearing my mismatched socks, simply because laundry always needs to be done... Lori


  1. Tell Kayla that I LOVE missmatched socks!
    How'd the edits go? Can't WAIT TO READ IT!!!!

  2. Why didn't I ever thinking about wearing socks that don't match? It's brilliant. Tell Kayla thanks!
    And I'm curious about line edits. What are they?
    Can't wait to read your series.

  3. the comment thing is acting weird. Won't let me sign in. But tell Lori that her post is great. Maybe you should let us read from her perspective once a month. She can tattle on you two!

  4. I love wearing mis-matched socks. Drives the Booger crazy. My color guard kids NEVER wear matching socks either.

  5. Thanks, Everyone! Mary - you know, I think I may post about the pub process so that you can get the full idea. Brian - tattle? LOL
    Darcie - it definitely solves the dillemma of not having matches - I think it's hysterical.

  6. I'll never look at mis-matched socks in the same way!

    Blessings to all of you~

